Gluten Free Kitchen Basics

One of the biggest challenges and yet by far the best plan for those with celiac disease is keeping a gluten free kitchen. When I lived alone this was not a big deal at all. After my diagnosis I took EVERYTHING out of my cabinets and the refrigerator and did a major overhaul.  I madeContinue reading “Gluten Free Kitchen Basics”

Review: Tone It Up Diet & Fitness Plan

Being gluten free is pretty darn challenging at times. Unfortunately, one of the challenges we don’t tend to think about are diet plans. Most people assume that having celiac disease means you are at normal weight or even underweight. However, many individuals are diagnosed while being considered obese. In addition, patients tend to GAIN waitContinue reading “Review: Tone It Up Diet & Fitness Plan”

Holiday Rehab: Peppermint Body Scrub & Cranberry Facial

Phew! The holidays are over! I’m not trying to sound like a grinch because as you know, I absolutely love the holidays. By now, though, all of the presents have been opened (and apparently I was a very good girl this year!), the yummy meals have been eaten, and well… lots of wine seems toContinue reading “Holiday Rehab: Peppermint Body Scrub & Cranberry Facial”