Olive Salad

I don’t know about you, but fresh salads in the summer are one of my favorite things. Now just because it isn’t that time of year just yet, doesn’t mean I have to live off of “comfy” foods that are usually associated with winter. This salad is super easy to prepare and a favorite ofContinue reading “Olive Salad”

Roasted Artichoke & Red Pepper Salad

Roasted Artichoke & Red Pepper Salad Okay- I’ll admit it. I kinda sorta maybe love watching cooking shows on TV. Doesn’t everyone? Ina Garten is one of my favorites to watch because her recipes are pretty simple yet incredibly delicious. (Oh and in case you are confused so far- Ina Garten is otherwise known byContinue reading “Roasted Artichoke & Red Pepper Salad”

Caprese Salad

One of my friends asked which recipe was my “go-to” side dish when entertaining. She wanted something quick, easy, but that was going to impress her guests.  No problem! This caprese salad has always been a hit. Plus, there’s quick shortcut to this dish that I LOVE LOVE LOVE. 1 container of grape or cherry tomatoes.Continue reading “Caprese Salad”

Sweet Irish Soda Bread

Okay I know it is not St. Paddy’s Day but this is one of my favorite recipes. I decided to make a batch this weekend because we are having a party at our house and wanted to have a homemade “sweets table” for our guests. Of course, I want it all gluten free for twoContinue reading “Sweet Irish Soda Bread”

Gluten free pumpkin pound cake

If you haven’t figured it out by now, my husband has a bit of a sweet tooth. In fact, he’s pretty much my go-to taste tester for these recipes because he is extremely picky when it comes to gluten free food. Now, a few weeks ago, he had a piece of pumpkin poundcake at hisContinue reading “Gluten free pumpkin pound cake”

Gluten Free Bride- Having my cake & eating it too!

Okay, so I’ve been MIA lately, but for good reason! My wedding is coming up in just a few weeks and all of the festivities have finally started to come together. Now, I don’t know how many of you are married or engaged, but for those singles out there- take this as a warning- WeddingContinue reading “Gluten Free Bride- Having my cake & eating it too!”

Gluten Free Shredded Chicken Chili

Chili is a fabulous comfort food, and, if done right, it can be pretty healthy. This recipe does not have a lot of extras and is pretty filling- so long as you don’t add sour cream and cheese to it! I usually make a pretty big batch because it freezes well. If you want, youContinue reading “Gluten Free Shredded Chicken Chili”

Gluten Free Grown-Up Mac & Cheese

Mac and cheese was one of my favorite things to eat when I was growing up. I have to admit, I was a mac and cheese snob. That powdered cheese didn’t do it for me and I would ONLY eat the ones that came with the premade “gooey” cheese. Yeah- I know. Processed food isContinue reading “Gluten Free Grown-Up Mac & Cheese”

Gluten Free Kitchen Basics

One of the biggest challenges and yet by far the best plan for those with celiac disease is keeping a gluten free kitchen. When I lived alone this was not a big deal at all. After my diagnosis I took EVERYTHING out of my cabinets and the refrigerator and did a major overhaul.  I madeContinue reading “Gluten Free Kitchen Basics”

Gluten Free Fig Cookies (Cuccidati)

Cuccidati, or fig cookies as they are more often called, are one the popular treats that pop up around the holiday season.  A staple in Sicily, these yummy Christmastime cookies are filled with figs, dates, raisins, and a variety of spices! They are a bit time consuming to make, but worth the effort! Filling 2Continue reading “Gluten Free Fig Cookies (Cuccidati)”